I’m 65 today – here are some things I have learned about turning 65:

Four million Baby Boomers will turn 65 in 2024 — the largest number in U.S. history.
People 65 and older take prescribed medications more frequently than any other U.S. age group, I take four medications.
Most major grocery store chains offer senior discount days, and tons of restaurants offer early bird specials for older adults. Amtrack offers a 10% discount for those age 65 and older.
When you get carded now, it’s so you can save money, not to deny you a purchase.
I have both been in business and with my Husband for the last 40 of my 65 years, neither seem to be that long.
65 looked much older on my past generations than it does now.
Even though I am now 65, my family still has to put up with me acting like a 12 year old!

Disclosures:Four million Baby Boomers will turn 65 in 2024 — the largest number in U.S. history.
People 65 and older take prescribed medications more frequently than any other U.S. age group, I take four medications.
Most major grocery store chains offer senior discount days, and tons of restaurants offer early bird specials for older adults. Amtrack offers a 10% discount for those age 65 and older.
When you get carded now, it’s so you can save money, not to deny you a purchase.
I have both been in business and with my Husband for the last 40 of my 65 years, neither seem to be that long.
65 looked much older on my past generations than it does now.
Even though I am now 65, my family still has to put up with me acting like a 12 year old!