My tax return surprise.

Generally, surprises when doing your taxes are not good, most people find they need to pay more, some have the pleasant surprise of getting an unexpected refund. My surprise was different.
I was supposed to be a CPA (according to my Dad) vs a CFP. ® I am so happy I have gone the CFP® path, but I still do my own taxes.
This year when I printed off my return to file, yes, I like to mail my return vs. e-file, at the bottom of the return it said 104S2023 Form 1040-SR., I thought what is that? Then I looked it up. Here is what it is: 2023 Form 1040-SR. Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service. U.S. Tax Return for Seniors.
UGG! I guess I cannot avoid the fact that both my Husband and I fall into this category, but I will still act like a 12-year-old!
