Who doesn’t love Google?!

I am not referring to owning the stock, I am referring to using Google to answer our urgent and burning questions. Here are a few of the most Googled financial questions:
In Maryland and New Mexico, there are a lot of questions about student loans. There are more questions about how to qualify vs. how to repay them.
People in Maine and Pennsylvania are looking into mortgage calculators. I would guess with the rates still on the low side, people want to know how much they can afford in a house.
Sadly, in Georgia the most Googled financial questions are about Pay Day loans. Many of the questions were about how they work and how you qualify for them. I really hope that is the loan of last resort as they are very expensive loans.
On a happier note, in too many States to list, the most Googled financial question is how 401(k) accounts work. Questions regarding the contribution amounts, fees, when you can/or have to withdraw, etc. were the most popular.
I love Google, but talking to a human can often be better.
