A Mother’s advice for living a healthy financial life (I’m the Mother)

Many of these tips I have shared with my daughter; feel free to pass them along to your family.
An education is important. You learn a lot about life going to school as well as preparing yourself for your chosen occupation.
Save for a rainy day:
Having an emergency fund, (I call it the “toe of the sock fund”) helps you avoid panic and having to use credit cards to cover emergencies.
Spend below your earnings:
Never spend everything you make – nothing more needs to be added to this tip.
If you can, never pay full price.
I always told my daughter to start at the back of a store, where all of the sale items are first. Shop online to compare prices; don’t be afraid to ask for a discount.
Open a retirement account:
No one will save for your retirement for you. Take advantage of payroll deductions, as it is a painless way to save. Start retirement saving with your first job and do not stop until you retire. Rule of thumb is to save 10% of what you earn; more if possible, but any amount is better than zero.
Live a life of gratitude.
Truly be grateful for what you have – help others when you can and do it anonymously. The grass is not always greener. Be happy! Happiness is an underrated virtue.
